
CE series focuses on essentials of speaking Spanish for nurses

Benefits of Spanish for nurses and other pros

Learning at least basic Spanish, according to Long, can greatly help RNs provide good care.

Long teaches our Focused CE series Basic Spanish for Healthcare Providers, along with Speedy Spanish for Healthcare Providers, a 0.5-hour course that gives healthcare providers basic concepts of Spanish grammar and vocabulary necessary for some patient communication.

She also teaches our Intermediate Spanish for Healthcare Providers Focused CE series, which is for healthcare professionals who know some Spanish but want to improve their language skills and better understand medical vocabulary.

The CE series, she said, helps healthcare providers through various clinical encounters with Spanish-speaking patients.

“The course is geared specifically toward healthcare professionals, so it delivers the conversational phrases, the vocabulary and even the cultural background that they need to understand to better work effectively with the Spanish-speaking patient,” Long said.

Having some level of Spanish-speaking ability is a skill that can differentiate a nurse job candidate, adding value to his or her resume.

Knowing Spanish also increases quality of care, long said.

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